
法律的翻译 法律的翻译成英文

频道:法律科普 日期: 浏览:1235

A On what constitutes infringement 1 with illegality Tort is the violation of the law of obligations , acts of infringement of personal rights or property rights according to law2 hurt facts The fact;法律法规 Laws and regulations 1Laws 法律 2regulationsn 管理 条例规程regulation的复数章则普通用词,指用于管理指导或控制某系统或组织的规则规定或原则等3and regulations以及规章制度。

The two sides agreed that the disputes arising from this agreement by the defendant, the jurisdiction of local people#39s courtAgreed by the supplier朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典 查看字典详细内容 翻译以下;大多数人不同意,认为被告的养牛场不构成妨害大多数人反对侵权行为重述第二次,即第826条b款若损害“严重”,且支付损害赔偿“可行”,企业也不会被迫停止,即使损害严重性超过了行为效用,该款允许认定损害Ca。

法律 law statute codex codices doom 双语例句 1根据法律,所有餐厅都必须在店外明示用餐价格By law all restaurants must display their prices outside2除了排名在前10%内的顶级法律机构外,这个金额远超其他;a theory constitutes infringement 1 illegal A tort is a violation of the provisions of the law of obligations, infringe other#39s person right and property rights2 facts of damage Objective there is the。

在契约的善意的例外条款中,那些旨在剥夺被雇佣者的雇佣合同利益比如奖金和退休金一类的解雇,可以获得任意性规范的豁免;Negotiorum gestio system is a longstanding legal system, by the thousands of years of development, in the continental law system countries have established a complete system The research for negotiorum gestio。


1、American tort law of strict liability originated in England, already became the continental law scholars often use of the concept And has integrated into European countries tort law imputation principle system In。

2、law 英l#596 美l#596n 法 规律 法学 法制vt 口语方言 诉诸法律,对起诉,控告vt 控告 对起诉例句Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law 猥。


法律的翻译 法律的翻译成英文



6、its most important confidential information and trade secrets 意思每一缔约方应视为机密的机密信息,并采取和维持预防和安全措施,要求或任何适用的法律,并没有比它通过保护其最重要的机密信息和商业秘密的措施建议。



2、最简单最好记忆的, law 犯法违法 break the law 守法 obey the law 以上希望对您有所帮助,谢谢另外像这些单词如果你比较着急的话可以百度去搜,就不用在线等 句子要求高些才来求助,知道吗 啰嗦。

3、Judge right to release tomorrow a judge in civil proceedings in the implementation of a legal action is extreme and the parties debate the appropriate constraints, the process in the civil proceedings, the judge。

法律的翻译 法律的翻译成英文


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