
法律英语的翻译 法律英语的翻译要求

频道:法律科普 日期: 浏览:1273



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Negotiorum gestio system is a long-standing legal system, by the thousands of years of development, in the continental law system countries have established a complete system. The research for negotiorum gestio system in China is less, system is not comprehensive, need to accelerate the pace of legislation theory research. And in the Anglo-American law system is not exactly the same system with negotiorum gestio system, but quasi contract system of Anglo-American law system covers the contents of negotiorum gestio. So on the basis of negotiorum gestio is discussed some theory, and the quasi contract system to do a little more. This article is divided into the following several parts, the first part from the history, concept, nature, value and status in this paper introduces the basic situation of negotiorum gestio. The second part discusses the condition of negotiorum gestio. The third part and the fourth part introduces the quasi contract system of Anglo-American law system and compare it with negotiorum gestio made some. To improve the country's best negotiorum gestio system puts forward some Suggestions.


American tort law of strict liability originated in England, already became the continental law scholars often use of the concept. And has integrated into European countries tort law imputation principle system. In recent years, strict liability applicable scope are increasing tendency. Strict liability is based on security breach of the absolute duty, although most people already fulfill the fittest cautious attention, but as to his behavior is liable for damage done by. The defense of strict liability is very limited, reasonable care is not among them. Strict liability most often apply to abnormally dangerous activity or product liability cases.

The essential characteristics of strict liability

(a) strict liability of the fault sex

Strict liability is undoubtedly following the fault liability which occurred after new milestone. It is the advent of make the fault factors is no longer determine the ultimate basis person responsibility, and this helps to protect the innocent victim and disadvantaged groups.

(2) strict liability risk

Overview of tort law, countries with strict liability unavoidable risk relates in together. Continental law system country Germany say strict liability for dangerous responsibility. Some scholars will will risk liability and the common law of strict liability equivalent. In France also in dangerous activity as use strict liability foundation. [20] but actually tort law, strict liability except applicable to animal causes infringement, workers' compensation, product liability etc, in most cases is also beyond applies abnormally dangerous activity of damage.

(3) strict liability fixation sex

In fault liability tort party to produce a damage, should be liable for compensation because behavior person has moral can accuse sex. But strict liability actor no-fault, should remain liable for compensation, the imputation sex basis intriguing. And the 20th century's most influential one of western jurist pound from maintaining social general safety obligations set out, demonstrates the rationality of strict liability. He thought from the late nineteenth century begins, legal focuses on social interests rather than individual interests protection.

(4) strict liability of causality

Due to the fault in fault liability is finally decided to constitute elements, it is to decide whether the key fault liability was established. In strict liability constituents, don't consider injures fault or. Therefore, causal relationship with more important sense, it is strict liability element of the final requirement. In strict liability only causality and damage two elements, namely the plaintiff only through the proe causality and damage of the two factors can get relief.

(5) strict liability on the burden of proof inverted sex

Strict liability is based on the safety of absolute duty breach, no matter whether the defendant fulfill the duty of care of the most careful, as long as the damage occurred shall assume responsibility, such as the defendant can't put forward reasonable justifications (and justifications quite limited), it cannot be exempted from liability, namely the plaintiff's burden partly transferred to the defendant body, the plaintiff simply just causality and by damage burden has sufficient.

(6) strict liability of defense limited sex

1, due to a third party behavior, animal behavior and natural forces caused the damage cannot become defenses.

2, the victim fault can be used as a defense against the reason.

3, aggrieved person, content and animal anomaly sensitivity as justifications.

4 and perform the public responsibility can serve as justifications.

The analysis of strict liability

(a) practicality: American tort law rooted in the soil of pragmatism, upholds the artificial center, advocates understanding and the experience is inseparable, emphasize the integration of theory with practice. On the basis of the case -law system is a judge empirical wisdom and logical reasoning union product. Comes case law of strict liability after change the applicable range and the increasing this fact itself proves the rules have vitality and practicability.

(2) transcendence: whether scholars with strict liability equivalent to what responsibility opinions vary, but undoubtedly, which transcends the French law "fault-presuming liability" and German law "dangerous responsibility", and brushed with abstract insight, and logical supply of continental law tort law theory system barriers, let the centralization of imputation principle system to systematically normalize or diversification imputation principle system development, thus the world legislation has far-reaching influence.

(3) justice: strict liability emphasize behavior and the victim to gain the balance, reflected the protective weak instead of the equal protection of the new ideas, and thereby realizes the substantial justice. This point in product liability and workers' compensation field especially appear prominent.


If approved by both parties demonstrate the technical supervision departments identified, because the quality of supply of goods own defects, loss or claim arising, the supplier shall be held accountable under the law. .

Suppliers have the responsibility of the buyer of the set and confirmed in writing by the supplier of the business requirements and specifications.

The two sides agreed that the disputes arising from this agreement by the defendant, the jurisdiction of local people's court.

Agreed by the supplier.


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The Company is a private company and accordingly:


a) the right to transfer shares is restricted in the manner hereinafter prescribed;


b) the number of members of the Company (counting joint holders of shares as one and not counting any person in the employment of the Company or of its subsidiary and any person who while previously in the employment of the Company of of its subsidiary was and thereafter has continued to be a member of the Company) shall not exceed fifty (50);


c) any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares in or debentures of the Company is prohibited; and


d) any invitation to the public to deposit money with the Company for fixed periods or payable at call, whether bearing interest or not bearing interest is prohibited.




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